It’s great to have fun in the workplace. Whether you’re discussing baseball with your colleagues or shooting the breeze over lunch, fun times can make going into work a pleasure.

However, you also need to be productive at work. After all, employers hire you to work, not to have lunch.

Now, some fun is productive — you could learn valuable information about your job in a conversation that starts with your love of Bono and U2, for example. It’s also important to get along well with your colleagues.

But if your managers see you talking to people too much while you’re supposed to be working, or heading out to happy hour before the workday is done, they may see you as not productive enough.

You need to balance productivity and fun to be seen as a good employee. Here’s some tips on how to do that.

1. Put work first

It can be tempting to put work-related fun first. Don’t do that. Prioritize work while you’re at work 

Remember an employer pays to have work performed. Get your assignments done before stopping by someone’s desk to chat. And when you do stop by someone’s desk to chat, don’t stay there 30 minutes or more. Make it short and sweet. Make sure your supervisor sees you working diligently, not goofing off.

2. Don’t use company email for personal chats

If you’re thinking of using company email to share jokes, funny GIFs, or awesome videos…don’t. Don’t use it to share personal information, either. 

The company’s email belongs to the company, and it’s for company business. If you use it for personal fun, you might be viewed as unproductive. You could even be viewed as unprofessional.

Many employers also keep an eye on what’s being said and shared on their email system because of security concerns. Don’t think what you’re sharing will only be seen by the person you’ve sent the email to.

There’s one exception to this rule. In some companies, it’s part of the culture to send around jokes and everyone participates. Don’t assume, though, that’s part of the company culture where you are unless you see people doing it regularly.

3. Have fun during lunch or after work

Have fun when appropriate! In many companies, groups of people go to lunch regularly or head out for happy hours after work. It’s totally acceptable to participate and have fun here, because company productivity is not affected. 

Participating in out-of-work gatherings with colleagues can not only be fun, it can positively benefit your job. You get to know people, become part of the group, and enlarge your network.

While it’s important to have fun on the job, it’s even more important to be productive. Balance your work-fun quotient with these 3 tips.

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