To attract a top-notch workforce, you’ve got to attract top-notch candidates. And that is by no means easy, especially in a vibrant economy. The better the economy, the more choices people have — and top candidates have more choices than anyone about where they work and what they do.

It’s therefore very important to make the best impression possible on candidates when you’re looking to fill a position. Here’s some advice on how to do that.

1. Write a clear and comprehensive job description

Job candidates apply based on a job description that itemizes the duties of the job, as well as the skills, qualifications and years of experience required. Take the time to write a clear and comprehensive job description.

Don’t make it sound as if the job does everything but fix the kitchen sink. A too-unfocused job description can be off-putting, especially to an experienced person. Make sure someone reading it has a clear sense of what they would be doing for your company.

Before posting a job opportunity, ask yourself if you’d accept the job. If the answer is no, reputable candidates will probably feel the same.

2. Have competitive pay and benefits

While there are many reasons to be attracted to an employment opportunity, pay and benefits rank very high on most job seekers lists!

First, make sure you do have competitive pay and benefits. It will be very hard to attract top candidates if you don’t.

Second, refer to the competitive pay and benefits specifically in your job description. Don’t leave them for candidates to infer — they need information. If you are comfortable giving a salary range, do. If not, a line such as “competitive salary based on experience” will suffice for pay. For benefits, list them. Be sure to include such standards as health insurance, 401k plans (and matches), paid vacation and holidays, and so on if you offer them.

3. Highlight your company’s culture

Job candidates want to work for a company that values them and in which they fit. It’s a good idea to highlight your company’s culture in some way in the job description.

Think carefully about what to include. A lot depends on your company style. Are you innovative and entrepreneurial? Then the job description could say something like “innovative, entrepreneurial firm seeks the next generation.” Are you traditional and conservative in approach? Then be that way in the job description. Perhaps a tagline like “top-quality service, 50 years and counting” could convey that message.

Fostering candidate interest in every job opportunity is part of the job of recruiting. These three tips will help you attract top job candidates. To learn more about how Nesco Resource can help you attract top talent, contact us today.